9 Disasters Covered By Home Insurance You May Not Know About

Home insurance can be a tricky topic to navigate, especially when it comes to understanding what disasters are covered. In this article, we’ll explore 9 potential disasters you may not know are protected by home insurance policies. Read on to find out which natural and man-made catastrophes may be covered under your policy!
Disasters can come in many different forms, from natural calamities like floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes to man-made catastrophes such as terrorism or wildfires. Home insurance policies usually provide coverage for a variety of disasters, including windstorms, hail storms, lightning strikes, frozen pipes, and water damage. Other natural disasters often covered by home insurance include mudslides, sinkholes, and volcanic eruptions.

In addition to natural disasters, some home insurance policies offer coverage for certain man-made disasters. This includes damage caused by riots or civil commotion; explosions; vandalism; theft; falling objects; aircrafts or vehicles crashing onto your property; and damage resulting from intentional acts of another person. Depending on your policy’s coverage limits and deductibles, you may also be able to receive compensation for some repairs or replacements associated with these types of disasters.

In conclusion, it is important to understand what potential disasters are covered under your home insurance policy so that you can adequately prepare yourself and your family in the event of an emergency. When it comes to natural or man-made catastrophes that could affect your home or property, having the right coverage can make all the difference in helping you recover quickly and

9 Disasters Covered by Home Insurance You May Not Know About

There are a few disasters that are typically covered by home insurance policies that you may not be aware of. For example, most policies will cover damage caused by fires, storms, and water leaks. However, there are a few other disasters that are also typically covered, such as:

1. Mold: Many home insurance policies will cover mold growth if it is the result of a covered event, such as a water leak.

2. Sewage backup: This coverage can protect you from damages caused by sewage that backs up into your home through the drains.

3. Sinkholes: While sinkholes are not common, some home insurance policies will cover damages caused by them.

4. Volcanic eruptions: If your home is damaged by a volcanic eruption, your home insurance policy may provide coverage.

5. Wildfires: Wildfires are becoming more common in many parts of the country, and many home insurance policies now offer coverage for damages caused by them.
6. Landslides: If your home is damaged due to a landslide, your home insurance policy may provide coverage.

7. Hail: Hail can cause significant damage to homes and vehicles, and some home insurance policies will cover the cost of repairs.

8. Theft: Homeowners insurance often offers coverage for theft, which can protect you from losses due to burglary or vandalism.

9. Vandalism: If your home is vandalized, some policies may offer coverage for the damages caused.

Which Disasters Are Covered by Home Insurance?

There are many disasters that are covered by home insurance, but there are some that you may not know about. Here is a list of some of the disasters that are covered by home insurance:

1. Fire
2. Wind damage
3. Hail damage
4. Lightning damage
5. Explosion
6. Smoke damage
7. Water damage from plumbing leaks
8. Vandalism and theft
9. Damage from falling trees and branches
10. Damage from ice, snow and sleet
11. Flooding
12. Earthquake damage


An earthquake is a natural disaster that can cause extensive damage to your home. Most home insurance policies will cover damage caused by an earthquake, but there may be some limits or exclusions. It’s important to read your policy carefully and talk to your insurance agent to make sure you understand what is and is not covered.
Earthquake insurance usually covers damage to the structure of your home, such as walls, floors, and foundations. It may also cover damage to personal belongings caused by an earthquake, such as furniture and electronics. Earthquake insurance often includes additional coverage for debris removal and relocation expenses.

Because earthquakes can cause widespread destruction, you may not be able to find a policy that covers all aspects of the risk. Many policies only cover certain types of damage or have caps on how much is covered. It’s important to talk to your insurance agent about these details before purchasing a policy.


One of the most common natural disasters is a flood. And while you may think that your home insurance will cover any damages caused by a flood, that’s not always the case.

Most standard home insurance policies exclude coverage for damage caused by flooding. So, if you live in an area that’s prone to flooding, you’ll need to purchase a separate flood insurance policy to be protected.

Flood insurance can be purchased through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) or from a private insurer. And it’s important to note that you need to purchase flood insurance before a flood occurs – it won’t cover any damage that happens after the fact.

If you have questions about whether or not your home insurance policy covers floods, be sure to contact your agent or insurer for more information.

Floods are one of the most destructive natural disasters that can occur, and you need to make sure that you’re properly protected. Most standard home insurance policies exclude coverage for flood damage, so if you live in an area that’s prone to flooding, you should purchase a separate flood insurance policy. Flood insurance can be purchased through the NFIP or from a private insurer, but it must be done before a flood occurs to provide coverage. If you have any questions about your home insurance coverage or whether or not it covers floods, contact your agent or insurer for more information.

Lightning Strike

In the event of a lightning strike, your home insurance policy will likely cover any damage to your home or belongings. However, you may be required to pay a deductible before your insurance company will reimburse you for any repairs.
If you are caught outdoors during a lightning storm, seek shelter as quickly as possible. Avoid areas that are open or near tall objects such as trees and telephone poles, which can attract lightning. If there is no shelter nearby, crouch down on the ground and cover your head with your hands to protect yourself from the strike.

Windstorm or Hail

If your home is damaged by a windstorm or hail, your home insurance policy will likely cover the repairs. Most policies have a deductible for windstorms and hail, so be sure to check your policy documents to see how much you would need to pay out-of-pocket before your coverage kicks in.
You should also make sure to document any damage that occurs and contact your insurance company as soon as possible. They will be able to provide further information on the coverage available and what steps you need to take to make a claim.

Heavy Snowstorm

A heavy snowstorm can cause a lot of damage to your home. If your roof collapses, you could be left with a huge repair bill. Home insurance typically covers damage from a heavy snowstorm, but you may have to pay a deductible.
If you live in an area prone to heavy snowstorms, it is important to keep your roof clear of debris and your gutters free from ice dams. If a heavy storm does occur, take all necessary safety precautions to protect yourself, your home, and your family. Many local governments offer assistance for those affected by winter storms.

Mudslide or Rockslide

A mudslide or rockslide is defined as a natural disaster where masses of rock, earth, or debris move down a slope. This can be caused by heavy rains, earthquakes, or even volcanoes. A mudslide can damage your home in several ways. First, the mud and debris can damage the exterior of your home. This can include breaking windows, damaging siding, and even causing structural damage. Second, the mud and debris can block your doors and windows, making it difficult to get in or out of your home. Third, the mud and debris can damage your utilities, including your water lines, gas lines, and electrical lines. Finally, the mud and debris can damage your foundation, which can lead to serious problems down the road. Home insurance typically covers all of these damages, up to a certain limit.
In conclusion, a mudslide or rockslide is a natural disaster that can cause significant damage to your home. Home insurance typically covers these damages, up to a certain limit. It is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with mudslides and rockslides in case you are ever faced with such a disaster.


Sinkholes are one of the most common natural disasters in the United States. They can happen anywhere there is bedrock, but they are most common in areas with limestone or other carbonate rocks.

Sinkholes occur when water erodes the bedrock, causing it to collapse. The collapse can happen suddenly or over time. Sinkholes can be small or large, and they can damage homes, roads, and other structures.

Most home insurance policies cover sinkhole damage, but there may be limits on the amount of coverage. It’s important to check with your insurer to see what’s covered.
Sinkholes can be prevented by taking measures to control erosion and water flow. This includes planting vegetation, installing drainage systems, and sealing cracks in roads and buildings.

In some cases, sinkhole activity can be predicted by studying soil composition or seismic activity. If a sinkhole is detected before it collapses, engineers may be able to take steps to prevent further damage.


There are a lot of different disasters that can be covered by home insurance, but one of the most important is fire. Fire damage is one of the most common types of damage that homeowners insurance covers. If your home catches on fire, your insurance will pay for the damages.

Most home insurance policies will cover fires that are caused by accidents, such as a stovetop grease fire. But, some policies will also cover fires that are caused by natural disasters, like lightning strikes. It’s always a good idea to check with your insurance company to see what exactly is covered in your policy.

If you do have fire damage and you need to file a claim, be sure to take plenty of pictures and document everything thoroughly. This will help your insurance company determine how much they need to pay for the repairs.
It’s also important to make sure you have a good smoke detector and fire extinguisher in your home, as these could help prevent more damage from occurring if a fire does occur.

Broken Water or Natural Gas Pipe

One of the most common types of home insurance claims is for water damage. This can be caused by a broken water pipe, leaky roof, or even overflowing bathtubs and sinks. In some cases, natural gas leaks can also cause water damage.

If you have a broken water pipe or gas leak, it’s important to shut off the water or gas immediately and then call your insurance company. They will send an adjuster to assess the damage and determine if your policy covers it.
If the damage is covered, the adjuster will say so and issue a check to cover the cost of repairs. If the damage is not covered, you may have to pay for it out of pocket. Be sure to read your policy carefully so that you know what is and isn’t covered before filing a claim.

Conclusion: The most important thing to remember when you are thinking about your home insurance policy is that it covers the

1. Conclusion: The most important thing to remember when you are thinking about your home insurance policy is that it covers the dwelling, other structures on your property, and personal belongings in the event of a covered disaster.

There are many disasters that are covered by home insurance policies, including fire, wind damage, hail, lightning, theft, and vandalism. Some policies also cover water damage from burst pipes or leaks. It’s important to read through your policy carefully to understand what is and isn’t covered.

If you live in an area that is prone to certain types of disasters, such as hurricanes or tornadoes, you may want to purchase additional coverage for those events. You can also purchase riders to cover specific items such as jewelry or art collections.

No one likes to think about the possibility of their home being damaged or destroyed by a disaster. But it’s important to be prepared in case it does happen. Home insurance can give you peace of mind knowing that you and your belongings are protected in the event of a covered disaster.